Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. UNDER THE SAME ROOF Living arrangements in the European Union.

working document
1996Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Household expenditure ; Family Budgets ; Family social securityΠερίληψη
The first data from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) are now becoming available. One of the most original features of the ECHP is the focus on income and living conditions. It will allow analysis of the interrelationships between many aspects of social well being. Here we analyse different living arrangements in the European Union. The traditional one-family household is still predominant throughout Europe, comprising 72% of the population. There is also the persistence of multigenerational households, around 20% in Greece, Spain and Portugal. In addition in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland the percentage of individuals living in households where at least one child over 16 is still living with his or her parents amounts to around a third of all individuals. However the 'family norm' is being eroded by other living arrangements. Living alone has become important in the European Union (10% in EUR 12). There is the growth of cohabitation, particularly among young people (70% in Denmark). Results suggest that a different pattern is emerging between Northern countries and Southern countries and Ireland.