Πλοήγηση Monetary policy ανά Τίτλο
Αποτελέσματα 1-20 από 47
Cinquieme rapport d'activite du comite monetaire.
(EU CommissionBruxelles, 1963-04-05)Le présent rapport a pour objet de présenter un aperçu de l'activité du Comité monétaire de la Communauté économique européenne pendant l'année 1962. Le Comité monétaire a été créé, conformément à l'article 105, paragraphe ... -
Deuxieme rapport d'activite du comite monetaire
(EU CommissionBruxelles, 1960-02-01)Le present rapport a pour objet de presentBr unapercu de l 'activit~ du Comite monetaire de la Communaute Economique Europenne pendant l g annee 19590Le Comtte monetaire a tenu huit sessions au coursde l' annee sous la ... -
Dixieme rapport d'activite du comite monetaire
(EU CommissionBruxelles, 1968-04-26) -
Douzieme rapport d'activite du comite monetaire = Twelfth report on the activities of the Monetary Committee
(EU CommissionBruxelles, 1970-06-30)Le present rapport a pour objet de donner un aperru des activites du Comite monhaire pendant Ia phiode du 16 mai 1969 au 30juin 1970. Le Comite a, au cours de cette phiode, tenu dix-neuf sessions, landis que des groupes ... -
Eighteenth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
(Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1976-12-31)In 1976, the world economy saw marked progress,with production and trade showing growth rates similarto those obtaining before the oil crisis. This favourabledevelopment was not, however, a return to the statusquo. Balance ... -
Eighth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee
(EU CommissionBrussels, 1966-04-15) -
Eleventh Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
(EU CommissionBrussels, 1969-05-15)The purpose of this report is to give a brief account of the activities of the MonetaryCommittee during the period from May 1968 to 15 May 1969. Apart from thetasks assigned to it by the Treaty, in particular that of ... -
ET 2020 Newsletter
(EU publicationsLuxembourg, 2020-02)On 3 December 2019, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published the 2018 results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The survey compares the ... -
Fifteenth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
(Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1974-10-14)The purpose of this report is to give a brief account of the activities of the MonetaryCommittee during 1973.During this year, the Committee held 17 sessions and the working parties drawn fromits own members or set up at ... -
Fifth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
(EU CommissionBruxelles, 1963-04-05) -
Fourteenth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
(Official Journal of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1973-04-12)The purpose of this report is to give a brief account of the activities of the MonetaryCommittee during the period from 1 January 1972 to the end of 1972.During this year, the Committee held 15 sessions and the working ... -
Fourth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
(EU CommissionBruxelles, 1962-03-23) -
Huitieme rapport d'activite du comite monetaire
(EU CommissionBruxelles, 1966-04-15)Le présent rapport a pour objet de présenter un aperçu de l'activité du Comité monétaire de la Communauté économique européenne pendant l'année 1965. Le Comité a, au cours de cette année, tenu onze sessions sous la présidence ... -
Neuvieme rapport d'activite du comite monetaire
(EU CommissionBruxelles, 1967-03-01)Le présent rapport a pour objet, d'une part, de donner un aperçu de la coordination des politiques des Etats membres dans les domaines monétaire et financier, qui constitue le champ d'action ,propre du comité monétaire ... -
Nineteenth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
(Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1977-12-31)1977 saw a slowdown in the expansion of worldeconomic activity. All the major industrialized countrieswere affected, although to differing degrees, and inter-national trade suffered as a result: from one year toanother ... -
Ninth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
(EU CommissionBrussels, 1967-03-01)The purpose of this report is to show briefly how the policies of the MemberStatesare being co-ordinated in the monetary and financial fields~ which are those withwhich the Monetary Committee is specifically and directly ... -
Onzieme rapport d'activite du comite monetaire
(EU CommissionBrussels, 1969-05-15)Le présent rapport a pour objet de présenter un aperçu de l'activité du Comité monétaire pendant la période s'étendant du 1er mai 1968 au 15 mai 1969. En dehors des tâches que lui assigne le Traité, et notamment celle de ... -
Premier rapport d'activite du comite monetaire.
(EU CommissionBruxelles, 1959-02-28)Le Comite a tenu six reunions au cours de I'annee 1958.Le present rapport a pour objet de donner au Conseil et a IaCommission un aperpt de I'activite du Comite. -
Preparing for Next Steps on Better Economic Governance in the Euro Area
(Informal European CouncilBrussels, 2015-02-12)The Euro Summit of 24 October 2014 concluded that “closer coordination of economic policies is essential to ensure the smooth functioning of the Economic and Monetary Union”. It called for work to continue “to develop ...