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dc.contributor.authorEuropean Economic Community
dc.descriptionBlank pages not produced: 2, 4,18
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this report is to show briefly how the policies of the MemberStatesare being co-ordinated in the monetary and financial fields~ which are those withwhich the Monetary Committee is specifically and directly concerned.In the course of the year the Committee held ten meeting, and the working partiesdealing with the monetary and financial situations in the member countries met onseveral occasions.The officers having comple ted the two-year term fixed in the Statute, the Committeeunanimously re-elected Jonkheer E. van Lennep, Treasurer-General in the Nether-lands Ministry of Finance, as Chairman, and M. B. Clappier, Vice-Governor of theBank of France and Dr O. Emminger, a member of the Bundesbank Direktorium, asVice-chairmen. A list of members is appended to this report.The report was adopted on arch 1967. It does not take into account economicdevelopments or measures adopted after that date, whether in the Community orelsewhere.
dc.publisherEU Commission
dc.subjectEconomic Affairs
dc.subjectMonetary Policy and Developments
dc.titleNinth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
dc.typeEU Other

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