Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1988
(EU Commission, 1990)
Tho lntroduct lon of the Slngle Admlnlstrat lve (Customs)Document on 1st January 1988 has, Indlrectly, lead to conslderabledelays In the preparatlon of the 1988 Annual Report. Theso delays'are due to the fact that, for ...
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1989
(EU Commission, 1990)
of the results of a study by PROGNOS (Swltzerland) to Justlfythe groy{th rate of road haulage. At that tlme, the results ofthe PROGNOS work (a multl-cllont study) were stlllconfldentlal, but the prlnclpal rosults have slnce ...