Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1988

Working Document
EU Commission
1990Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Transportation policyΠερίληψη
Tho lntroduct lon of the Slngle Admlnlstrat lve (Customs)Document on 1st January 1988 has, Indlrectly, lead to conslderabledelays In the preparatlon of the 1988 Annual Report. Theso delays'are due to the fact that, for road transport, "mlscel laneous"Sources have prevlOusly been uSed for the most recent Year ln theAnnual Report so as to avold waltlng for the Road StatlstlcsDlrect lve data (usual ly about 15 months after the end of thereferenceperIod).wIththearrlValofthesIngIeAdmlnlstratIveDocument the ,,mlscel laneous" sources prevlously used wore themselveselther delayed or dlsappeared. lt r1as thus necessary to walt for the1988 Dlrectlve data (Aprtl 1990) before thls report could beflnal lsed.It ls plannod to complete the manuscrlpt of the 1989 AnnualReport at the usual date, le. late 1990. ThreE reports are Publlshed :Analysls and ForocastsAnnual ReportMarket Developments.
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