Developments in the refining sector of the Community oil industry. Commmunication from the Commission to the Council.

working document
EU Commission
1978-12-07Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Energy PolicyΠερίληψη
As in the past the Co!Ill1lission·has had a. series of meetings with individual · companies during which they provided details. of their current policies, · · 1978 performance a.n:d 1979 forecasts. Although information was not provid~d by all companies, the information, on an.overa.ll Community basis, covers nearly 88% of probable crude runs. The possible effects of the situation in Iran were not assessable at the time of these discussions and the following commentary is based on the assumption that overall disruption of supply will bE minimal, Present uncertainty has, however, led to marked price increases in the Rotterdam spot market, This and the evident incentive to stock-build in anticipation of a January 1st OPEC price increase and perhaps as a hedge against the fluctuating dollar could easily lead to a considerable increase in the fourth quarter refin~ry throughput.
Αριθμός σελίδων
COM (78) 697 final