Financial situation of the Communities on 30 September 1980.
COM Document
Commission of the European Communities
1980-09-30View/ Open
Subject headings
Budgets and FinancingAbstract
Article 29 of the Flnanoiai. Regulation of 21 Deaenber 1977tapplicabl.e to the General Erdget, reads ag folLows:rtThe Cornmission shall-, four tines a year, present theE\ropean Parlianent and. tbe Council with a report on theComnunitiest financial situation, both revenue anderpend.iture. Tbere shaLL be attached. to these reports acomprehensive staternent on the sung naintained. from previousfinancial years, as well as on a4r changes brought aboirt asa resuLt of the adoption of Supplenenta,ry or Btrd.gets.rtThis reportr'd.ravrn up on theexisting as at lO Septenberof the inplenentation of thequarters of 1980.basig of the financial situation1980, enphasizes the nain featuresbrudget d"uring the firs
Number of pages
Report pursuant to Article 29 of the Financial Regulation of 21 December 1977.COM (80) 671 final
Chapters are bookmarked.