Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) annual report 2004 and work programme 2005 (1st report)

working document
Committee of EuropeanInsurance and OccupationalPensions Supervisors
2005Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Social Rights ; Social PolicyΠερίληψη
The Committee of European Insuran-ce and Occupational Pensions Super-visors (CEIOPS)was established pur-suant to the European CommissionDecision 2004/6/EC of 5 November2003.The practical creation of CEIOPS wasachieved through the transformationof the former Conference of theEuropean Insurance SupervisoryAuthorities, which had acted for along time as a forum for cooperationand exchange of information bet-ween insurance supervisors.CEIOPS was established as a ‘Level 3Committee’ following the extensionof the so called ‘Lamfalussy approach’to the field of insurance, reinsuranceand occupational pension