Progress in the Implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises in the Western Balkans. SME Policy Index 2009

working document
European Commission
2009Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
External Enlargement ; Economic and Financial Affairs ; EU Relations ; Human RightsΠερίληψη
DG Ent erp rise and Industryis task ed wi th en sur ing a well-ru n inte rnal marketfor goodsand promoting theco mpe ti ti ven ess of EU enterprise, there by mak ing majo r co ntri butions to the implementat ion of the LisbonGr owthand Job s St ra tegy .DG Enter pri se and Ind ustr y pay s part icu lar at tent io n to th e needsof man ufacturing industries andsm all and me dium -s ized en te rpr ises :it manag es prog ra mme stoen co urag eentre preneurship and innova tion an den surethat Community legislationtake s pro per account of their c