Commission decision of 2009 on a Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) 2009-2011 for Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99).

working document
European Commission
2009Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
External Enlargement ; Economic criteria ; Political CriteciaΠερίληψη
Along with the rest of the region, Kosovo7 is embracing the European agenda, underpinned by the EU policy for the Western Balkans, the Stabilisation and Association Process (SAP). At the meeting of the European Council on 19/20 June 2008, the EU recalled its willingness to assist the economic and political development of Kosovo through a clear European perspective, in line with the European perspective of the region. Therefore, the major challenges for Kosovo which should be addressed by the Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) are: Political Criteria: Within the framework of the political criteria, EC assistance should complement the comprehensive EU intervention in Kosovo, including the objectives of the EUSR and the EULEX mission. EC assistance under this heading should focus in particular on institution-building, including support for public administration and civil service reforms, the development of civil society, the protection of Serb and other minorities including their cultural heritage and promotion of the rule of law in Kosovo. Economic Criteria: EC assistance should furthermore be used to support the development of Kosovo’s economy and for improving the socio-economic environment of all communities in a sustainable way. This should require measures that can catalyse investment by the international financial institutions (IFIs) and the private sector, taking due account of the limitations which the status issue imposes on such investment. At the same time, more efforts should be devoted to helping the authorities develop a reform agenda which promotes fiscal sustainability, good governance of public expenditure, and sound financial management. Relevant macro-economic analyses and sector strategies to underpin these actions are currently under development or revision, notably as concerns transport, energy and education. European Standards: In addition to the above, EC assistance should continue to support Kosovo's European vocation and its integration into the Western Balkans region as a whole. Guided by European Partnership priorities, a gradual approximation to the acquis in specific sectors, increased attention to the rule of law in the wider sense, and preparations for Kosovo's participation in Community programmes should be some salient features.
Αριθμός σελίδων
C(2009) 5114. 2009