Enlargement strategy and main challenges 2006 – 2007 including annexed special report on the EU's capacity to integrate new members.

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Commision of the European Communities
2006-11-08Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
External Enlargement ; Economic criteria ; External RelationsΠερίληψη
Enlargement has been at the heart of the EU's development over several decades. The very essence of European integration is to overcome the division of Europe and to contribute to the peaceful unification of the continent. Politically, EU enlargement has helped respond to major changes such as the fall of dictatorships and the collapse of communism. It has consolidated democracy, human rights and stability across the continent. Enlargement reflects the EU's essence as a soft power, which has achieved more through its gravitational pull than it could have achieved by other means. Economically, enlargement has helped to increase prosperity and competitiveness, enabling the enlarged Union to respond better to the challenges of globalisation. This has brought direct benefits for Europe as a whole. Enlargement has increased the EU's weight in the world and made it a stronger international player. The accession of Bulgaria and Romania on 1 January 2007 will complete the fifth enlargement, following the accession of ten Member States in May 2004. Rigorous preparations have paved the way for their smooth integration into EU institutions and policies. The ten new Member States have reached an excellent level of compliance with EU law and have made a significant contribution to the work of the EU institutions. They have generated increased levels of economic activity, trade and investment, and have produced high rates of economic growth.
Αριθμός σελίδων
Related documents: SEC (2006) 1383 to SEC (2006) 1390 final.COM (2006) 649 fina