Community measures affecting tourism 1997/99. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions

COM Document
EU Commission
2001-03-28Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
This report, which presents an overview of Community measures affecting tourism undertaken in 1997-1999, is presented in accordance with Article 5 of the Council Decision 92/421/EEC of 13 July 1992 on Community actions to assist tourism 1• It has to be seen as a continuation of the previous three reports of this kind, referring to the period until 1993 2, to 1994 3, and to 1995/96 4• · During the reporting period, the European Union maintained its leading posit~on in world tourism as a main source and a main destination of international tourist flows. Spain, France and Italy were the most visited destination countries for one out offour tourists in the world. However, a significant slowdown of the extra-EU receipts produced in 1998 for the first time an .EU external travel balance deficit. Besides the significance of small and medium sized entei-prises (Sl\1Es), the important mergers concerning the European tourist services providers highlight the economic stake of this sector. Although not providing a legal basis for a specific Community tourism policy, Article 3(l)u of the current Treaty establishing the European Community refers to 'measures in the sphere of tourism' as part of the Community activities that shall be undertaken in support of the Community's overall objectives. These measures must in particular reflect tourism's importance for prosperity in terms of growth and employment, to which the tourism sector contributes at the level of about 6 % each. They have to take into account the specific structure of the se.ctor which is dominated by SMEs, with nearly 95% of the European tourism businesses being micro-enterprises 5. 6.5% of the total turnover generated by Sl\1Es in Europe can be attributed t() tourism SMEs and they make a significant contribution to the GDP of many Member States. Many tourism SMEs are dynamic in creating employment, and the key to further growth lies in maintaining competitiveness. As for previous periods, most of the activities described in this report have been implemented within the framework of a wide range of Community policies and programmes which, while no't specifically designed in terms of tourism objectives, have nevertheless an important . It influence on the development of the tourism industry, on the interests of tourists, and on the · exploitation and preservation of the assets which are utilised by tourism. Consequently, one of the main tasks in this respect is good co-ordination withfn the European Commission, aiming to ensure that the interests of tourism are fully taken into account in the preparation of legislation and in the operation of programmes and policies which are not themselves conceived in terms of tourism objectives. In practice many programmes and · policies now either include a tourism dimension or take into account their significant impact on tourism-related activities. These Community schemes have an· important influence on the development of the tourism industry, on the interests of tourists, and on the development and . preservation of the natural and cultural heritage. This wor)5 is based on objectives aimed at improving quality and competitiveness in European tourism, since this approach ensures that tourism makes the optimum contribution to the Community's fundamental goals. The activities are pursued not only in close co-operatio·n of the respective Commission Services, but also actively involving the Advisory Committee of the Member States, and together with the other European institutions. In line with an approach based on consultation and partnership, the Commission also maintains. a close relationship with representative stakeholder organisations in the field of tourism. During the previous reporting period 1995-1996, the Commission had launched the proposal for a Multiannual Programme to Assist European Tourism(« Philoxenia »).However, despite intensive discussion and changes resulting from it, t~is propOSf:ll did not find the required unanimous support in the Council of Ministers, and · finally was withdrawn by the Commission in April 2000. Instead, major emphasis was focused towards the subject of Tourism and Employment, which has become the leitmotif for the reporting period and beyond (see in particular hereafter chapter 1.1). Since 1999, this process was marked by the Commission Communication 'Enhancing Tourism's Potential for Employment' of 28 April 1999 6, the Conclusions on Tourism arid Employment adopted by the Council of (Internal Market) Ministers of 21 June 1999, and the subsequent follow-up given to these Conclusions in co-operation of the-European Commission and the Member States 7• The work undertaken so far was endorsed at a special Seminar of Tourism Ministers organised by the French Council Presidency on 22 November 2000 at Lille and was presented to the Internal Market Council of 30 November-2000. Furthermore, through the fact that no genuine tourism policy could emerge, the importance of measures undertaken in the framework of the various Community policies ar.d affecting tourism have become even more important. Without going into excessive details, this report tries to give a general overview in this respect. It is structured towards the main vectors currently guiding tourism related activities, 1.e. • Developing a solid framework for tourism acti-vities in the European Union o Reinforcing competitiveness • Making good use of European integration in the global context e Developing European tourism o Towards a modernised European Tourism • Encouraging responsible tourism in Europe and world-wide.
Αριθμός σελίδων
ΑγγλικάΣημείωση (2001) 171 final