General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013.

Working Document
EU Commission
2013View/ Open
Subject headings
Budgets and FinancingAbstract
This publication presents the key fi gures of the 2013 EU budget. It shows where the money will be spent, detailing how much and what proportion will be devoted to the diff erent objectives. These objectives are grouped under seven broad ‘headings’, in accordance with the long-term fi nancial programming. This publication also explains how the budget will be fi nanced, listing the sources of revenue.The 2013 EU budget is the last in the 2007–13 multiannual fi nancial framework, and it focuses on economic growth and job creation — which we desperately need in Europe in these tough times. The EU budget may represent a mere 1 % of the EU’s wealth, but we are determined to make the most of it, continuing in our pursuit of the goals we set out in the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.I hope that you will fi nd this publication useful as a clear and concise overview of the basicfi gures of the 2013 EU budget.