General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2010.

Working Document
EU Commission
2010-01Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Budgets and FinancingΠερίληψη
In global figures, the budget 2010 amounts to EUR 141.5 billion in commitment appropria-tions. This corresponds to an increase of 3.6 % compared to 2009, and represents 1.20 % of Community GNI. A margin of EUR 0.4 billion is left under the expenditure ceiling of the financial framework. In payment appropriations, the budget 2010 is set at EUR 122.9 billion, or 1.04 % of GNI. This represents an increase of 8.8 % on 2009, and leaves a margin of EUR 11.7 billion beneath the ceiling for payment appropriations.In the current economic and financial climate the complementary goals of competitiveness and cohesion for growth and employment must be vigorously pursued with a main focus of reactivation of economic activity in Europe, and the largest share of the budget — 45 % or EUR 64.3 billion — will be devoted to those goals. Competitiveness will be boosted through increased support for the Research Framework Programme (+ 11.7 %), the Competiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (+ 3.4 %), and Lifelong Learning (+ 4.4 %). Expendi-ture for structural and cohesion policy will amount to EUR 49.4 billion with an increase of 2.0 % compared to 2009 for the Cohesion Fund.In the framework of the negotiations on the 2010 budget, financing has been secured for completing the European Economic Recovery Plan, with EUR 5 billion to finance major European projects in the areas of energy and broadband infrastructures, and to face new challenges in rural areas linked to the health check for the Common Agricultural Policy. Fol-lowing the first injection of EUR 2.6 billion in 2009, a further EUR 2.4 billion has been added to the 2010 budget. 25.1.2010 EN Budget 2010 5IN T R O D U C T I O N1. In global figures, the budget 2010 amounts to EUR 141.5 billion in commitment appropria-tions. This corresponds to an increase of 3.6 % compared to 2009, and represents 1.20 % of Community GNI. A margin of EUR 0.4 billion is left under the expenditure ceiling of the financial framework. In payment appropriations, the budget 2010 is set at EUR 122.9 billion, or 1.04 % of GNI. This represents an increase of 8.8 % on 2009, and leaves a margin of EUR 11.7 billion beneath the ceiling for payment appropriations.In the current economic and financial climate the complementary goals of competitiveness and cohesion for growth and employment must be vigorously pursued with a main focus of reactivation of economic activity in Europe, and the largest share of the budget — 45 % or EUR 64.3 billion — will be devoted to those goals. Competitiveness will be boosted through increased support for the Research Framework Programme (+ 11.7 %), the Competiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (+ 3.4 %), and Lifelong Learning (+ 4.4 %). Expendi-ture for structural and cohesion policy will amount to EUR 49.4 billion with an increase of 2.0 % compared to 2009 for the Cohesion Fund.In the framework of the negotiations on the 2010 budget, financing has been secured for completing the European Economic Recovery Plan, with EUR 5 billion to finance major European projects in the areas of energy and broadband infrastructures, and to face new challenges in rural areas linked to the health check for the Common Agricultural Policy. Fol-lowing the first injection of EUR 2.6 billion in 2009, a further EUR 2.4 billion has been added to the 2010 budget.EUR 59.5 billion will be directed to the preservation and management of the Union’s natu-ral resources, with Emergency aid of EUR 300 million to help milk producers in 2010, and promoting sustainable rural development (+ 2.6 %).In addition to promoting economic development and safeguarding natural resources, the European Union also seeks to address citizens’ concerns in the area of freedom, securityandjustice. In the 2010 budget, EUR 1.0 billion will be available for this purpose, with a further EUR 0.7 billion for programmes in the field of citizenship, such as support for youth and culture. The European Union will maintain a central role as a global player, with the budget for exter-nal actions increasing by 0.5 % to EUR 8.1 billion. Support for the peace process in the Mid-dle East, and fostering links with our closest neighbours, remain key elements of the EU’s foreign policy.Costs related to the administration of all EU institutions total EUR 7.9 billion, representing only a share of 5.6 % of the budget.