General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2009.

Working Document
EU Commission
2009-01Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Budgets and FinancingΠερίληψη
In global figures, the budget 2009 amounts to EUR 133.8 billion in commitment appro-priations. This corresponds to an increase of 2.5 % compared to 2008, and represents1.03 % of Community GNI. A margin of EUR 3.2 billion is left under the expenditure ceil-ing of the financial framework. In payment appropriations, the budget 2009 is set atEUR 116.1 billion, or 0.89 % of GNI. This represents an increase of 0.3 % on 2008, andleaves a margin of EUR 7.8 million beneath the ceiling for payment appropriations.In the current economic climate the complementary goals ofcompetitiveness and cohe-sion for growth and employmentmust be vigorously pursued, and the largest share of thebudget — 45 % or EUR 60.2 billion — will be devoted to those goals. Competitivenesswill be boosted through increased support for the Research Framework Programme(+10.9 %), the Competiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (+22.2 %), and Life-long Learning (+6.5 %). Expenditure for structural and cohesion policy will amount toEUR 48.4 billion.EUR 56.1 billion will be directed to thepreservation and management of the Union’snatural resources, with increased emphasis on tackling environmental concerns throughLife+ (+18.8 %), and promoting sustainable rural development (+2.6 %).In addition to promoting economic development and safeguarding natural resources, theEuropean Union also seeks to address citizens’ concerns in the area offreedom, securityand justice. In the 2009 budget, EUR 863.9 million will be available for this purpose, witha further EUR 651.0 million for programmes in the field ofcitizenship, such as supportfor youth and culture.The European Union will maintain a centralrole as a global player, with the budget forexternal actions increasing by 7.3 % to EUR 8.1 billion. Support for the peace process inthe Middle East, and fostering stability in Kosovo, remain key elements ofthe EU’s foreignpolicy.In the framework of the negotiations on the 2009 budget, financing has beensecured fora EUR 1 billion ‘Food Facility’ aimed at providing a rapid response to soaring food pricesin developing countries. The ‘Facility’ will largely rely on international and regional organi-sations for its implementation, with the aim of supporting agriculture indeveloping coun-tries and enhancing production levels. The largest share — EUR 568 million— will befinanced from the 2009 budget.Costs related to theadministrationof all EU institutions total EUR 7.7 billion. For theCommission, the 2009 foresees the last tranche of 250 new posts following the 2007enlargement to Bulgaria and Romania.26.1.2009ENBudget 20095
The final tranche of budgetarycompensationof EUR 209.1 million will be available in2009, to ensure that Bulgaria and Romania keep a positive budgetary balance in the yearsimmediately following their accession to the European Unio