General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2008.

Working Document
EU Commission
2008-01View/ Open
Subject headings
Budgets and Financing ; Enlargement ; External RelationsAbstract
In 2008 the largest share of the EU budget — 45 % of all EU spending — will go onmea-sures to boost economic growth and greater cohesion in the EU-27. The move to spendmore on competitiveness reflects Europe’s commitment to prosper in a constantly evolv-ing global economy, while ensuring stable support for farming. Agriculture will continueto receive over 40 % of EU cash.In global figures, budget 2008 amounts to EUR 129.1 billion in commitment appropria-tions. This is an increase of 2.2 % compared to 2007, and represents 1.03 % ofCommu-nity GNI. It leaves a margin of EUR 3.7 billion under the ceiling of the financial frame-work. In payment appropriations, budget 2008 is set at EUR 120.3 billion, or 0.96 % ofGNI. This represents an increase of 5.7 % on 2007.Of the EUR 58 billion which will go to boosting growth and employment by promotingcompetitiveness and cohesion, EUR 11.1 billion is available for programmes aimed atimproving competitiveness, an increase of 18.3 % on 2007. This includes investment inresearch, transport and energy networks, education and training, as wellas GALILEO andthe EIT. The other EUR 46.9 billion will support structural and cohesion policy.Financial support for thepreservation and management of the Union’s natural resourcesremains fairly stable at EUR 55 billion, but with growing emphasis on environmentalpolicy (+ 12 %) and on rural development (+ 4.5 %).The development of a European area offreedom, security and justicecontinues, with abudget increase of 16.7 % compared to 2007. EUR 0.7 billion will be concentrated on fos-tering fundamental rights and justice, security and safeguarding liberties, and solidarity andthe management of migration flows.In the field ofcitizenship, the 2008 budget amounts to EUR 0.6 billion, and includesimportant increases for public health and consumer protection (+ 14.1 %),as well as sup-porting youth, culture and communication actions.The budget forexternal actionsincreases by 7.3 % to EUR 7.3 billion. Within this head-ing, the Common Foreign and Security Policy grows by almost 80 %, to EUR 285.25 mil-lion, in particular, to cover operations in Kosovo. Importance increasesare also includedfor pre-accession programmes (+ 14 %) and for the EU’s neighbourhood policy (+ 10.2 %).The budget foradministrationgrows by 4.4 % to EUR 7.3 billion. Since 2004, the num-ber of Member States has increased from 15 to 27, which has had an important effect onthe workload and staffing requirements of the institutions.18.1.2008ENBudget 20085
As Bulgaria and Romania enter their second year of EU membership, budgetarycompen-sationis gradually reduced to EUR 0,2 billion, as agreed during the accession negotiations.This will ensure that both Member States will have a positive budgetary balance during thefirst years after accession.