Browsing Economic development by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 57
Communication from the Commission to the council, the European Parliament, the European Ecomonic and Social committee, the committe of the regions and the European Central Bank.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2004-11-10)The eventual introduction of the single currency will be a milestone event for all future euro-area entrants, just as it was for the countries in the present euro area. The new Member States joined the European Union ... -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank
(European CommissionBrussels, 2006-11-10)This report assesses the state of practical preparations at national and Community level for the future enlargement of the euro area. It is the fourth report on this subject. The preceding reports were ... -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank. Eighth report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2008-12-12)Following the Council decision of 8 July 2008 that Slovakia fulfils the necessary conditions for the adoption of the euro1, the euro area will have 16 members on 1 January 2009. The Slovak ... -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank. Ninth report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2009-12-21)Following the latest enlargement of the euro area to Slovakia on 1 January 2009, nine European Union Member States are now bound to adopt the euro once they fulfil the criteria prescribed by the Treaty on ... -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank. Second report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2005-11-04)First and foremost, a country’s successful entry into the euro area requires compliance with the “Maastricht” convergence criteria laid down in the EC Treaty. The degree to which the different countries have met the formal ... -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank. Seventh report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2008-07-18)As of January 2008, the euro area comprises 15 out of 27 Member States of the EU. Among the remaining 12 countries, 10 are the 'Member States with derogation' which are expected to adopt the euro once they fulfil the ... -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank. Sixth report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2007-11-27)Following the Council decisions of 10 July 2007 that Cyprus and Malta fulfil the necessary conditions for the adoption of the euro on 1 January 2008,1 the practical preparations for the introduction of the ... -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank. Tenth Report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2010-07-27)Since the latest enlargement of the euro area to Slovakia on 1 January 2009, the group of the EU Member States using the single currency comprises 16 members. Following the Council Decision of 13 July 2010 ... -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank.Fifth report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2007-07-16)Since the adoption of the euro by Slovenia on 1 January 2007, the euro area consists of thirteen EU Member States. Among the remaining fourteen EU Member States, twelve are "Member States with ... -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank.Third report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2006-06-22)The euro area currently consists of twelve EU Member States. A Member State's entry into the euro area is conditional upon the Member State meeting the "Maastricht" convergence criteria laid ... -
European Economy. Annual report on the euro area 2002.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2002-09-25)Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs- 3 -EditorialOver the summer, growth prospects for theeuro-area economy have begun to look lessrosy, as a result of both external and domesticfactors. ... -
European Economy. Annual report on the euro area 2006.
(European CommissionBelgium, 2006-03-01)Membership of the euro area strengthens thedegree of economic interdependence betweenMember States through the existence of a singlemonetary policy and by fostering closer trade andfinancial ties and ... -
European Economy. Annual report on the euro area 2007.
(European CommissionLuxembourg, 2007-06-01)Earlier this year, European leaders endorsed a solemn declaration in Berlin to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and reaffirmed their commitment to a project that has paved the way for peace and ... -
European Economy. Annual report on the euro area 2009.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2009-06-10)The European Economy series contains important reports and communications from the Commission to the Council and the Parliament on the economic situation and developments, such as the Economic forecasts, the annual EU ... -
European Economy. Annual report on the euro area No. 2002.
(European CommissionBrussels, 2002-03-27) -
European Economy. Quarterly report on the euro area 2002. No. II
(European CommissionBrussels, 2002-07-09)Since the start of the year, the euro-areaeconomy has experienced a gradual recovery.Recent data confirm that the recovery isbroadly following the course predicted in theCommission’s ... -
European Economy. Quarterly report on the euro area 2002. No. IV
(European CommissionBrussels, 2002-12-19)The economic recovery in the euro areastarted in the first quarter of this year, but hasfailed to accelerate. Domestic demand hasstayed weak all year, undermined by stockprice falls and an ... -
European Economy. Quarterly report on the euro area 2003. No. I
(European CommissionBrussels, 2003-03-17)Economic growth in the euro area has turnedout to be significantly weaker than anticipated.Recent indicators suggest that activity, whichbegan to decelerate in the fourth quarter oflast year, will remain ... -
European Economy. Quarterly report on the euro area 2003. No. II
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2003-07-02)Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs- 3 -EditorialEconomic activity was sluggish in the euroarea during the first half of 2003. Growth,which had been decelerating since mid-2002,came to ... -
European Economy. Quarterly report on the euro area 2003. No. III
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2003-09-30)Editorial Following three years of low growth in the euro area, the first green shoots of recovery are appearing. Indeed, recent data have begun to send out encouraging signals suggesting that the ...