Report from the Comission to the European Parliament on the follow-up to 2006 Discharge Decisions (Summary)

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European Commission
2008-10-15View/ Open
Subject headings
Structural Funds ; Budgets and FinancingAbstract
Due to translation and time constraints, the Commission's report on the follow-up to European Parliament (EP) discharge given for the 2006 financial year1 is being published in all EU official languages in this summarised form. The Commission's full answers to each specific Parliament recommendation are available in a Commission working document2 which is published in English, French and German. Both these follow-up reports relate to the Resolutions adopted by the European Parliament on 22 April 2008.
Number of pages
European Parliament Resolutions drafted to Article 276(3) of the EC Treaty and Article 180b of the Euratom Treaty, Article 147 of the Financial Regulation, Article 119(5) of the EDF Financial Regulation and similar provisions in the former ad hoc EDF Financial Regulation {SEC(2008)2579}. COM (2008) 629 final, 15 October 2008COM (2008) 629 final
Related to SEC(2008)2579