Now showing items 41-46 of 46
Inventory of taxes levied by the State and the local authorities (Länder, départements, régions, districts, provinces, communes) in the Member States of the European Communities.
(EU Commission, 1976-07-01)
The Commission of the European Communities - Directorate-general XV "Financial Institutions and Taxation" publishes a survey of the duties and taxes in force in the Member States of the EEC. The present edition reflects ...
Inventory of taxes levied by central government and local authorities (Lander, departments, regions, provinces, communes) in the Member States. Situation: 1.4.1974.
(EU Commission, 1974-12)
The Commission of the European Communities -Directorate-ge-neral XV "Financial Institutions and Taxation" publishes a survey of the duties and taxes in force in the Member States of the EEC. The present edition reflects ...
Inventory of taxes levied by central government and local authorities (Lander, departments, regions, provinces, communes) in the Member States.
(EU Commission, 1972-12)
This is a new survey, published by the Commission of the European Communities (Directorate-General of Internal Market and Approximation of Legislation, Directorate of Taxation), of taxes levied in the Member States of the ...
Inventaire des impots percus dans les Etats membres de la Communaute economique europeenne au profit de l'Etat et des collectivites locales (Lander, departements, regions, provinces, communes) avec tableaux des recettes pour les annees 1964 et 1965 = Inventory of taxes levied by central government and local authorities (Lander, departments, regions, provinces, communes) with table showing tax revenue for the years 1964 and 1965.
(EU Commission, 1967-12-01)
La Commission des Communautes Europeennes -Direction Generale de Ia Concur-rence, Direction des Problemes Fiscaux -publie un nouvel aperc;u des impots en vigueur dans les Etats membres de la CEE. Celui-ci reflete Ia situation ...
Inventaire des impots percus dans les Etats membres de la Communaute economique europeenne au profit de l'Etat et des collectivites locales (Lander, departements, regions, provinces, communes) avec tableaux des recettes pour les annees 1961 et 1962 = Inventory of taxes levied by central government and local authorities (Lander, departments, regions, provinces, communes) with table showing tax revenue for the years 1961 and 1962.
(EU Commission, 1965)
L'inventaire decrit d'une maniere systematique les imp6ts qui sont perc;us dans les Etats mem.bres de Ia CEE. Quelques imp6ts d'une importance minime ont ete ecartes. La version actuelle reflete la situation au I er janvier ...
Taxes in the European Community. A comprehensive inventory of taxes levied by central government and local authorities (Lander, departments, regions, provinces, communes) with table showing tax revenue for the years 1964 and 1965.
(EU Commission, 1967-12-01)
This is a new survey, published by the Commission of the European Communities {Directorate-General for Competition, Directorate for Tax Matters), of taxes levied in the Member States of the European Economic Community. It ...