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dc.contributor.authorBrun, Emmanuelle
dc.description.abstractThis report contains a forecast of emerging biological risks related to occupational safety and health (OSH) based on an expert survey and a literature review. The Agency also worked on forecasts and literature reviews on physical, chemical, and psychosocial risks in order to paint as full a picture as possible of the potential emerging risks in the world of work. These results are linked to other Risk Observatory work and aims to examine OSH trends in Europe and to anticipate emerging risks and their likely consequences for safety and health at work. This should help with better targeting of resources and lead to more timely and effective interventions.
dc.format.extent145 p.
dc.publisherOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEuropean Risk Observatory Report
dc.subjectoccupational safety
dc.subjectoccupational health
dc.titleExpert forecast on Emerging Biological Risks related to Occupational Safety and Health
dc.corporate.nameEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work

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