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dc.contributor.authorEuropean Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to provide the necessary information to encourage sectoral social dialogue in the sport and active leisure sector. The EIRO series of representativeness studies, carried out at the request of the European Commission, sets out to identify the representative social partner associations to be consulted under the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The study thus identifies the relevant national social partner organisations in the sport and active leisure sector via a top-down approach (listing the members of the European affiliations) and a bottom-up approach via the national correspondents from the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO).
dc.format.extent70 p.
dc.publisherEuropean Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
dc.subjectWork organization
dc.subjectLeisure industry
dc.subjectCollective bargaining
dc.subjectDispute settlement
dc.subjectEmployers organizations
dc.subjectTrade unions
dc.subjectWorkers’ representation
dc.titleRepresentativeness of the European social partner organisations: sport and active leisure industry
dc.corporate.nameEuropean Commission / Directorate General for External Relations

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