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dc.contributor.authorParkes, Aisling
dc.contributor.authorEuropean Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union
dc.description.abstractThis study looks at the situation of children with disabilities in Ireland to identify the gaps in the legal frameworks and its implementation, the obstacles faced by children with disabilities and best practices. This country study is part of a larger study which analyses 18 Member States. Based on a comparative analysis of the country studies, the report ‘Study on Member States’ Policies for Children with Disabilities’ provides some recommendations for EU action to enhance the situation of children with disabilities.
dc.format.extent76 p.
dc.publisherEuropean Parliament
dc.subjectAid to the disadvantaged
dc.subjectChild protection
dc.subjectRegional policy
dc.subjectHandicapped children
dc.subjectComparative analysis
dc.titleCountry report on Ireland for the study on Member States’ policies for children with disabilities
dc.corporate.nameEuropean Union / European Parliament

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