Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Fiscal Adjustment in Southern Europe: the Limits of EMU Conditionality
(Hellenic Observatory, LSE, 2008-03)
The EMU fiscal adjustment paths of the four Southern Europe
members (Italy, Spain, Greece, and Portugal – SE-4) vary along two
dimensions: a) cross-temporal (pre- and post-EMU accession) and b)
cross-country. We account ...
Quo Vadis Southeast Europe? EU Accession,Regional Cooperation and the need for a Balkan Development Strategy.
(Hellenic Observatory, LSE, 2008-01)
In some sense there is a very simple answer to the title question:
Southeast Europe is heading towards the EU, though a period of
weak regional cooperation, asymmetric relations with the EU and a
slow and discontinuous ...
Quo Vadis Southeast Europe? EU Accession,Regional Cooperation and the need for a Balkan Development Strategy.
(Hellenic Observatory, LSE., 2008-01)
In some sense there is a very simple answer to the title question:
Southeast Europe is heading towards the EU, though a period of
weak regional cooperation, asymmetric relations with the EU and a
slow and discontinuous ...
Region? Why Region? Security, Hermeneutics, and the Making of the Black Sea Region.
(Routledge, 2008-01-01)