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dc.contributor.authorSimmons, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorMurray, Isabel
dc.contributor.authorWengle, Susanne
dc.contributor.authorKusznir, Julia
dc.contributor.authorPleines, Heiko
dc.descriptionNo 27.
dc.description.abstractIn the following piece we outline some of the major challenges facing the gas sector in Russia and focus on where some of the potential upsides are to be found. While we remain concerned about the overall level of investment in Russian upstream and transportation, the potential of the independent gas producers to rise to the challenge seems strong given the right supporting policy measures. Th e Russian government seems to be moving in the right direction with regard to domestic pricing policy and third party access to the pipeline system, yet reliance on imported gas from Central Asia is likely to increase the risks to security over the medium term. Our concerns on investment need to be seen within the context of our overall concern about global levels of investment, in upstream gas, pipelines and other infrastructure and even in the burgeoning liquefi ed natural gas (LNG) industry (see the IEA’s Natural Gas Market Review 2007)
dc.description.sponsorshipDGO. Research Centre for East European Studies, Bremen. Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich. Otto Wolff -Stiftung.
dc.publisherRussian Analytical Digest
dc.subjectRussian Gas
dc.title.alternativeRussian Gas: Will There Be Enough Investment?
dc.title.alternativePower Politics: Electricity Sector Reforms in Post-Soviet Russia.
dc.title.alternativeRussian Attitudes towards the Privatization of UES.
dc.title.alternativeThe Russian Oil Industry between Foreign Investment and Domestic Interests
dc.title.alternativeFDI and State Ownership in the Oil and Gas Industry
dc.corporate.nameEuropean Commission / Directorate General for External Relations
dc.subject.countriesNo country specification

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