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dc.contributor.authorΜπακοπούλου, Ευτυχία
dc.contributor.authorΧρυσανθόπουλος, Λεωνίδας
dc.contributor.authorΔημαδάμα, Ζέφη
dc.contributor.authorFraser, Cameron
dc.contributor.authorJaparidze, Tedo
dc.contributor.authorKondakov, Andrey
dc.contributor.authorΚουβέλης, Σπύρος
dc.contributor.authorOzkan, Haydar
dc.contributor.authorΣτρίμπης, Ιωάννης
dc.description.abstractThis report looks at the role and the progress of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC) and its related bodies on its 20th anniversary and the new priorities of the Black Sea region. The Organization of the BSEC has managed to promote stability and prosperity among its Member States while encouraging and inspiring interaction and cooperation in the Black Sea region. Contributors to the report attempt to answer whether the Organization has increased its efficiency as expected; to what degree it has supported regional cooperation and whether it has enhanced its interaction with other international organizations.
dc.format.extent66 p.
dc.publisherInternational Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesICBSS Xenophon Papers; 12
dc.subjectRegional cooperation
dc.subjectInternational relations
dc.subjectInternational, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations
dc.subjectBlack Sea countries
dc.title20 Years BSEC: evolution of institutions, evolution of priorities: interlinks within the Black Sea Region in a new era

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