Supporting the Commission in developing an essential use concept

final report
Bougas, Kastalie
Flexman, Kristina
Keyte, Ian
Corden, Caspar
2023-04-04Subject headings
Chemical industry ; Consumers' healthAbstract
This report presents the outcome of a project to support the Commission to further define the
essential use concept and associated criteria to help phase out the most harmful chemicals. The
report investigates how the essential use concept could be implemented in EU legislation including
REACH, the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive, food contact materials legislation, the
Cosmetic Products Regulation, the Taxonomy Regulation, and the End-of-life Vehicles Directive.
For REACH, the report identifies ‘sub-options’ for the essential use concept which could apply
within options for the reform of authorisation and restriction, as considered in the targeted revision
of REACH. Finally, the report provides a qualitative assessment of expected impacts from the
introduction of the essential use concept in REACH. The evidence base was built up through a
review of legislation and literature; a targeted survey; interviews; and a workshop.
Number of pages
DOI 10.2779/529713Catalogue number KH-04-23-419-EN-N