Energy efficiency in enterprises Some energy savings but weaknesses in planning and project selection

special report
European Court of Auditors
2022-02View/ Open
Subject headings
Energy efficiency ; Cohesion Fund ; Energy Efficiency Directive ; Reducing enterprisesAbstract
nergy efficiency is essential to achieve EU carbon neutrality by 2050. We analysed energy efficiency projects in enterprises co-financed by cohesion policy funds. We found that the Commission had not assessed the potential for energy savings of enterprises or financing needs, while programmes do not specify how the funds contribute to energy efficiency priorities. Ex post indicators cannot assess this contribution, but we estimated it at 0.3 % of the effort to 2030. Investments in energy efficiency were overall efficient. Using financial indicators in the selection process would have avoided some inefficiencies and allowed for a better choice of funding instrument. We recommend that the Commission clarify the EU funds’ contribution and verify if the choice of financing instrument is reasonable.
ECA special report pursuant to Article 287(4), second subparagraph, TFEU.
Number of pages