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dc.contributor.authorEuropean Commision
dc.contributor.authorΓενική Διεύθυνση Έρευνας και Καινοτομίας
dc.descriptionDOI 10.2777/707440
dc.descriptionDirectorate-General for Research and Innovation 2021 ERA & Innovation
dc.description.abstractReforming research assessment is increasingly seen as a priority to ensure the quality, performance and impact of research. Reform, however, requires cultural and systemic changes that are complex and slow to implement. This report presents the findings of a series of in-depth consultation with many stakeholders (see Annex 1) over the last 9 months, as well as from extensive analysis of the literature (see Annex 2), on what goals should be pursued through reform, and on how changes could be facilitated and accelerated through a European initiative. The starting point was the 2018 Commission Recommendation to Member States for setting and implementing clear policies to reward a culture of collaboration and of sharing of knowledge and data (Commission Recommendation (EU) 2018/790 of 25 April 2018). In the context of this report, we understand “research assessment” as encompassing the assessment of researchers (for their recruitment and for their career progression), of research proposals submitted to research funding organisations, and of research teams, institutes and institutions (see Annex 3). It appears from consultation that any reform of research assessment should ensure coherence or at least prevent contradictory injunctions between these different types of assessment. In addition, assessment of the research activities of academics is considered one component of broader academic assessment, together with the assessment of other activities, like teaching, entrepreneurship, management or leadership. A European initiative dedicated to improving research assessment may be seen as an opportunity for universities to also consider how to best balance the various activities of academics in their evaluation.
dc.publisherPublications Office of the European Union
dc.subjectMέθοδος αξιολόγησης
dc.subjectAssessment of research
dc.subjectPolicy and Political Context
dc.subjectΠολιτική Έρευνας
dc.titleTowards a reform of the research assessment system
dc.typeScoping Report

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