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dc.contributor.authorCouncil of Europe
dc.descriptionProceedings of the High-level International Conference on Human Rights and Environmental Protection Strasbourg, 5 October 2020organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia
dc.description.abstractHow to address human rights class-actions stemming from large-scale environmental pollution? Where to draw the line between a policy decision within the State’s margin of appreciation and a State’s failure to strike the right balance between conflicting interests? Whether to allow legal standing to applicants who vindicate collective and intergenerational rights? Ought the ECtHR rely on the precautionary principle and adopt a new causation test in applications concerning global warming and environmental degradation? Or should it rather refrain from taking up the role of Europe’s environmental tribunal? In the event violations are found, what measures of redress and prevention should be imposed on Member States? How to ensure better State compliance? These and related questions were debated during a Highlevel International Conference on Human Rights and Environmental Protection – Human Rights for the Planet.
dc.publisherCouncil of Europe
dc.subjectHuman Rights
dc.subjectClimate change
dc.subjectChemical pollution
dc.subjectEnvironmental Protection
dc.titleHuman Rights for the Planet (2021)

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