Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.contributor.authorCouncil of Europe
dc.description.abstractThe elaboration of the Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on upholding equality and protecting against discrimination and hate during the Covid-19 pandemic and similar crises in the future was triggered by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and its social and economic effects, which hit people belonging to certain groups in a particu- larly hard way throughout Europe. These Guidelines have been developed to deal with public health crises, but they may also provide valuable guidance for upholding equality and protecting against discrimination and hate dur- ing other, similar types of crisis. Central, regional and local authorities have an important role in the implementation of these Guidelines and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and Equality Bodies (EBs) can also make an important contribution.
dc.publisherDocuments and Publications Production Department (SPDP), Council of Europe
dc.subjectHuman rights
dc.subjectGlobal crises
dc.titleGuidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on upholding equality and protecting against discrimination and hate during the Covid-19 pandemic and similar crises in the future
dc.typecom document

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

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