Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.contributor.authorEuropean Commission
dc.description27.718 interviews30 / 05 > 08 / 06 / 2015GreeceMay - June 2015Special Eurobarometer 435Methodology: face-to-face
dc.description.abstractClose to nine in ten respondents in Greece think climate change is a “very serious” problem (87%, well above theEU average of 69%). Around six in ten say national governments are responsible for tackling climate change in theEU, the highest score in any Member State (61%, compared with the EU average of 42%). Four respondents in ten say they have personally taken some action to fight climate change in the past sixmonths. However, when shown a list of practical measures, this figure rises to 89%, suggesting many respondentsdo not connect certain actions with tackling climate change. For instance, nearly half have bought locally producedand seasonal food whenever possible (47%, +12 points since 2013). Other actions include:• Trying to reduce waste and regularly separate it for recycling (69%, +7 percentage points since 2013)• Cutting down consumption of disposable items whenever possible (40%, +9 percentage points since 2013)More than two-thirds of respondents think it is “very important” for their government to set targets to increase theamount of renewable energy used by 2030 (68%, EU average: 52%). An overwhelming majority (96%) agree thatfighting climate change will only be effective if all countries of the world act together.
dc.publisherEuropean Commisiom
dc.subjectClimate change
dc.subjectClear Energy
dc.titleSpecial Eurobarometer 435 Climate Change

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

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