Republic of Cyprus, Special Eurobarometer 459

European Commission
2017-03-27Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Climate change ; Clear EnergyΠερίληψη
Over three-quarters of respondents in Cyprus believe that climate change is a ‘very serious’ problem (76%, EU average 74%),although fewer than one in ten consider it to be the single most serious problem facing the world (8%, EU average 12%).Over half of those surveyed say they have personally taken action to fight climate change in the past six months (54%, EUaverage 49%), a 6 percentage point rise since the previous survey in 2015. However, when given specific examples this risesto 87% (EU average 90%), suggesting that many do not associate certain actions with tackling climate change.• Seven in ten respondents in Cyprus (70%) say that they try to reduce waste and regularly separate it for recycling, veryclose to the EU average (71%).• More than one in five have installed solar panels (21%, EU average 4%), while over four in ten say they take lower energyconsumption into account when buying a new household appliance (41%, EU average 37%).Respondents in Cyprus are more likely than the EU average to agree that fighting climate change and using energy moreefficiently can boost the economy and jobs in the EU (85%, EU average 79%) and that more public financial support shouldbe given to the transition to clean energies (86%, EU average 79%).Almost all of those surveyed think it is important that their government sets targets to increase the amount of renewableenergy used by 2030 (97%, EU average 89%) and provides support for improving energy efficiency by 2030 (97%, EUaverage 88%).Climate Change501 interviews18 > 25 / 03 / 20171. COUNTRY HIGHLIGHTS1QC1aQC1T2. EUROPEAN.