dc.description.abstract | The "Monthly External Trade Bulletin" aims
to provide the most rapid possible information on the short-term development of
Community foreign trade and trade between
Member States, and on the position of the
Community in trade between third countries.
It records monthly and quarterly results
broken down by country of origin (dispatching country for the Benelux countries until
31 December 1976 and for Ireland and
Denmark until 31 December 1977) and of
destination, by products, and by zones and
categories of products. Annual figures are
reserved for special yearbooks or supplements to the monthly Bulletin. For a more
detailed account of products and countries
the reader should refer to the annual publications "Analytical Tables NIMEXE" and
"Analytical Tables CST (SITC)". All the
figures refer to special trade (though to
general trade until 31 December 1977 forthe
United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland).
Values are cif national frontier for imports,
fob national frontier for exports.
The countries are classified according to the
Country Nomenclature" by continents, and
by geographical location approximately in
the order west-east, north-south. Complete
text of this nomenclature, in addition to its
publication in the Official Journal of the
European Communities, appears once a year
in the six official languages as an appendix to
this monthly publication. |