dc.description.abstract | The seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate In the European Community is estimated by Eurostat, after correction of the differences between national meth-ods of recording unemployment, at 8.5% for the month of March 1991. This represents the same level as the previous month. For the second month running, the rate of unemployment in the Community has risen ( +0.2%) In relation to the corresponding month of the previous year. In the United States, the increase is 1.5% for the same period (5.3%-6.8%). Trends continue to differ between Member States. Unemployment has continued to rise in the United Kingdom over the last 7 months(+ 1.6% in relation to the pre-vious year), in Ireland over the last 4 months (1.4% in relation to the previous year) and in France (0.3% for the same period). In Belgium and Denmark, the up-ward trend is slowing down while the rate is continuing to fall (-Q.7% in relation to the previous year) in the Federal Republic of Germany, territory before 3 Octobef · 1990, and in Spain (..0.4% for the same period). The trend among young persons under 25 years is similar to that of unemploy-ment persons as a whole, with however a very noticeable increase among males under 25 years in those Member States where the rate is increasing. This is the case in the United Kingdom ( + 3.6% in relation to the previous year) and in Ire-land ( + 2.6% for the same period). |