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dc.descriptionMultilingual in English and French. Text is faded/light in some places
dc.descriptionTheme 3 Population and social conditions Series B Short-term trends
dc.description.abstractThe seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate In the European Community is estimated by Eurostat, after correction of the differences between national meth-ods of recording unemployment, at 8.3% for the month of November 1990. In the period from June to November 1990, the unemployment rate remained un-changed for the Community overall and this was also the case for most Individual Member States, only four of which saw a significant alteration. In the Federal Re-public of Germany (territory as before 3 October 1990) and Portugal there was a drop of 0.5% and 0.25% respectively, while there were increases of 0.6% In the United Kingdom and 0.2% In Luxembourg. S17f(l/'f'L ISSN 0252·9920 This Indicates a change In tendency compared with the previous six months, from November 1989 to May 1990; during that period the unemployment rate~ creased by 0.25% In the Community overall and by at least that ~o_,t ~ , Spain, Ireland (over o.5%)and In Belgium and lhe UnttedD~· ~.· .yp·~ '\~\'t~~ : . :-. The unemployment rate for persons under 25 has als r f~ . ;~tiny un-.-' changed during the last six months, since the decrease ed in the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy was balanced by a significant increase in the United Kingdom. On the other hand, the unemployment rate for women during the last six months has dropped by 0.6%, with decreases of over 1% in Belgium, France, Italy and Spain.
dc.subjectEmployment/ Unemployment
dc.subjectEmployment Labor Market
dc.subjectEconomic and Financial Affairs
dc.titleShort-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the Community. 1991.1
dc.typeworking document

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