Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.contributor.authorEU Commission
dc.description.abstractThe latest figures on industrial production in the European Community (EUR 12) in August 1992 reveal a worsening of the recession. There was a noticeable decline in production of all types of goods. The industrial production index for EUR 12, adjusted for the number of working days, was 83. 7 (1985 = 100) in August 1992, representing a rate of change of -1.8 % compared with August 1991. After seasonal adjustment, the index for August was 112.3; in July it was 114.0. The seasonally adjusted figure for EUR 12 production in the last three months for which figures are available (June, July, August) showed a fall of -1.2 % over the cumulative figure for March, April and May. New orders in EUR 12, which indicate the future trend of production, also confirm the deepening of the recession: the estimated rate of change for May/June was -1.3 %, compared with the same period in 1991, and for July/August it was -3.8 % . The seasonally adjusted figures for indus-trial production in the Member States were as follows (rate of change for the past three months compared with the previous three months): Denmark +2.5 %, United Kingdom +0.1 %, Belgium -0.2 o/o (estim.), France -0.9 %, Spain -1.3 %, Ireland -1.4 % (estim.). Germany (only West) -1.5 %, Greece -1.9 % (estim.), Italy -2.3 % and Netherlands -2.4 %. Production is therefore falling in very many Member States (see the graphic). In the USA, industrial production rose by 0.5 % (rate of change for the past three months compared Manuscript completed on = 13.11.1992 with the previous three months), while in Japan the downturn in industrial production continued at a rate of -1.1 % (estimated). A slight recovery can therefore be detected in the USA, while industrial production in EUR 12 and Japan is falling appreciably. Production Index NACE1-4 Rate ofchange ofthe latest three months cam pared with the previous 3 months The figures for EUR 12 by major product group were as follows: Raw materials: -1.4 %; Capital goods: -2.1 %; Consumer goods: -0.4 %. In the individual industrial sectors, the fall in production at European level was above average in the electrical engineering and electronics sector (including EDP) and in manufacturing of vehicles.
dc.subjectIndustrial Policy
dc.titleRapid Report. Energy and industry. Extract from "Industrial Trends - November 1992" Recession deepens.
dc.typeWorking Document

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

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