Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.contributor.authorEU Commission
dc.description.abstractFebruary 1992 saw continuing stagnation in European industrial output. In particular, in the capital goods industry, which ought to fuel the next recovery, there was a fall in output. The production index for the Eu­ropean Community (EUR 12), adjusted for the number of working days, is currently 119.5 (1985=100), which is 0.1 % up on the figure for February 1991. Capital goods production fell by 2.0 % during the same period. The seasonally adjusted index stood at 115.3 in February (for industry as a whole), as against 114.9 in January. A comparison between the EC and the USA and Japan shows a distinct downward trend in worldwide pro­duction of capital goods: compared with the cumulati­ve value for the three preceding months, the seasonally adjusted production index for the three months Decem­ber, January and February was down 1.6 % in EUR 12, 1.4 % in the USA and 4.0 % in Japan. The individual EC Member States, with the exception of Ireland and Greece, currently present a relatively uniform picture: the rate of change for the last three winter months compared with the cumulative figures for the 1991 autumn months was as follows (total indu­strial production, followed by the capital goods indu­stry in brackets): Netherlands 3.1 % (-0.4 %) [estimated], Ireland 1.4 % (3.0 %) [estimated], France 0.7 % (-0.5 %), Denmark 0.3 % (0.3 %), Germany (West)-0.3 % (-1.8 %), Greece -0.3 % (1.6 %) [estimated], Italy -0.8 % (-3.3 %) and United Kingdom -0.9 % (-1.9 %). Thus industrial production is stagnating or declining in most EC countries, with particularly sharp falls in capi-Induslnal Production Chongo el hw men·» convex lo th· pfOoodne: Ihr·· mon·** I tal goods production in the vast majority of cases. The three months growth rate is particularly striking in the following branches: Mechanical engineering: France +1.5 %, United Kingdom -2.7 %, Germany -3.4 %, Italy -5.6 %; Car industry: Germany +2.8 %, France +0.3 %, United Kingdom -2.3 %, Italy -6.4 %.
dc.subjectIndustrial Policy
dc.titleRapid Report. Energy and industry. Extract from "Industrial Trends - May 1992 Capital goods production down.
dc.typeWorking Document

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

Βιβλιοθήκη Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιά
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