Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.descriptionMultilingual in English and French. Text is faded/light in some places.
dc.description.abstractAfter compensating for differences in national recording methods, the sea-sonally adjusted unemployment rate in the European Community, ac-cording to the International Labour Office (ILO) definition, is estimated to have been 8.8% in December 1989, almost the same level as the previous month. The annual average unemployment rate for 1989 was 9.0% compared to 9.8% in 1988. The rate for men fell from 8.0% to 7 .I% and that for women from 12.6% to 11.8%. The situation has worsened in only two Member States, Denmark and Italy. For those under 25 years of age the annual average unemployment rate has fell more steeply, from 19.1% in 1988 to 17.2% in 1989, thus continuing the steady decrease which began in 1985. The rate for young males fell from 17.4% to 14.8%, and that of young females from 22.3% to 19.9%. Only Denmark showed an upward movement.
dc.publisherOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities
dc.subjectEmployment/ Unemployment
dc.subjectEmployment Labor Market
dc.titleShort-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the Community. 1990.1
dc.typeworking document

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

Βιβλιοθήκη Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιά
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