Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1984.2

working document
1984-03-19View/ Open
Subject headings
Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ Unemployment ; StatisticsAbstract
The number of persons registered as unemployed at public employment offices in the Community of the Nine at the end of February 1984 was 12.9 million. This represents an unemployment rate of 11.SX of the civilian working population. Compared with January 1984, the number of registered unemployed has fallen only slightly <-0.2X), whilst in seasonally adjusted terms the figure for the Community of Nine shows a small increase. The highest rise in the figures, which have been seasonally adjusted ac-cording to national methods,was once again recorded in France,with 2. ?X. In Ireland the rise was 1.4X, in the United Kingdom 1.0r. and in the Netherlands O.Sr.. In the Federal Republic of Germany the seasonally adjus-ted figures were unchanged as compared with January 1984.