Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1984.12

working document
1985-01-16View/ Open
Subject headings
Statistics ; Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentAbstract
The year 1984 ended with an increase in December of some than 146 000 registered unemployed, due mainly to seasonal factors, bringing the total number of registered unemployed in the Community of the Nine to 13 million. This is equivalent to 11.6% of the civilian working population. The average number of perso~s registered as unemployed in the Community of the Nine in 1984 was 12.6 million. Although the increase in this average was considerably lower in 1984 than had been the case in 1982 and 1983 it nevertheless amounted to 5.7% or about 680 000 persons. The increase was spread over all Member States with the exception of Denmark, which recorded a fall of just under 2%. The Federal Republic of Germany showed the smallest rise <0.3%), followed by Belgium <0.9%), the Netherlands <2.7%) and the United Kingdom <3. 7%). These figures compared with increases of 13.1% in France, 11.2% in Ireland, 9.1% in Italy and 8.8% in Luxembourg.
Number of pages
NOTE: More detailed information on unemployment is contained in the yearly publication 'Employment and unemployment'Monthly bulletin
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