Statistical Telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.
working document
1978-10-17View/ Open
Subject headings
Statistics ; Employment/ Unemployment ; Employment Labor MarketAbstract
For the Community as a whole, the number of registered unemployed at the end of Sep-tember showed no change compared with the previous month and remains at almost 6 mil-lion persons, or 5,5% of the civilian working population. The seasonally corrected figures, still at Community level, indicate a slight reduction in unemployment. This overall position, however, covers ver,y different national trends. A reduction of about 160 000 unemployed since the end of August in five Member Countries, among which are the United Kingdom (91.000 fewer unemployed) and the F.R. of Germany (-60 000) has been compensated by an equivalent increase in the four others, notably France (with 128 000 more unemployed) and Italy (+32 ooo).