Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Mainstreaming gender into occupational safety and health
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005)
Noise in figures
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005)
Priorities for occupational safety and health research in the EU-25
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005)
Reducing the risks from occupational noise
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005)
Evaluation of European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2004
(Centre for
Strategy & Evaluation
Services, 2005-07)
Annual report 2004
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005)
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. How is the time of women and men distributed in Europe?.
(Statistical Office of the European Communities and Social Statistics, 2005-11-28)
Although patterns of time use are generally quite similar throughout Europe, some interesting differences can be observed between women and men and between the countries surveyed. On average, women aged ...
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Labour Market Latest Trends 2nd quarter 2005 data 63.7% of the working age population in employment. 2005.20
(Eurostat, 2005)
In the second quarter 2005, 63.7% of the working age population (15-64 years of age) held a job or other business activity in the EU-25, compared to 63.1% one year before. Among member states, Spain (from 60.9% ...
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Labour Market Latest Trends 1st quarter 2005 data 63.2% of the working age population in employment. 2005.16
(Eurostat, 2005)
This publication belongs to a quarterly series presenting the European Union Labour Force Survey main results for the EU-25 and for all Member States1. Part-time jobs and temporary contracts stimulate the employment in the ...
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Expenditure on training measures for the unemployed across the EU. 2006.5
(Eurostat, 2005)
n 2003 the EU-15 Member States spent a combined total of more than 25 billion euro on training measures for the unemployed and other disadvantaged groups needing help in the labour market. Nearly half of ...