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dc.description.abstractThis Rapid Report, dedicated to women in the European Community, attemps to give a brief overview of their social and economic situation, and highlights the influence of motherhood on the economic activity of women. Women constitute 51.2% of the EC population and comprise 41% of the labour force. This under-representation of women in the labour market is linked, above all, to the difficulties of reconciling family and work-related responsibilities. Apart from this, women are concentrated in the lower paid sectors and are more affected than men by unemployment. The improvement in the situation of women, in particular in the labour market, and their growing participation in decision-making processes is the main objective of the Third Community Medium Term Action Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (1991-1995).
dc.publisherStatistical Office of the European Communities and Social Statistics
dc.subjectLife expectancy
dc.subjectCauses of death of women
dc.subjectChanges in family structures
dc.subjectFamily social security
dc.titleRapid Reports Population and social conditions. Women in the European Community
dc.typeworking document

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