The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1996 and the outlook for 1997.

SEC Document
Commision of the European Communities
Subject headings
Energy PolicyAbstract
Article 46 of the ECSC Treaty states that, to provide guidance on ihe course of action to be followed by all concerned, and to determine its own course of action, the Commission must conduct a study of market and price trends. Amongst other. things, t~is includes periodic reports on the solid fuel market and short-temi forecasts. Each December the Consultative Committee of the ECSC receives a summary report ·. covering the current year and giving the initial forecasts for the next. The main market report is normally written early in the new year, presented to the Consultative Committee at its March/ April meeting, and published in May or June. Later, in September, the Consultative Committee is. presented with a revised version of the report, which is then. published in the last quarter ofthe year.
Number of pages
SEC (97) 1093 final