Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1987
Working Document
EU Commission
1987View/ Open
Subject headings
Transportation policy ; transport marketAbstract
In its Report to the Council on the t"larket Observation Systemin October 1984, the Commission indicated a number ofimprovements that it was seeking in the Road Directive.Particularly relevant to this Report were the introduction ofquarterly statistics and "cross-trades" (carriage byhauliers of l'lember State A from Member StaLe B to MemberState C), indeed an extension to "cross-trades" was foreseenin the Commission's earlier Report to the Council on the RoadDirective in May 1983. Unfortunately progress on theseextensions has not been as fast as was anticipated so thatonly annual "bilateral" data is currently available throughthe Statistical Office of the European Communities (SoEc). Partial data on "cross-trades" is available through theCommunity Quota Statistics but information from Belgian andDutch sources suggest that only about half of the"cross-trades" in 1984 were carried out under Community Quotaauthorizations.Data from the Road Directive (78/546) is available since1980, but as Greece joined the Community in 1981, theanalysis is simplified by starting from 1981. At the time ofwriting, March 1987, the 1985 data required by the Directiveis still being checked by the SOEC. It is thus only possibleto examine the overall trends from t98I to 1984.