First report on the application of the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers.

COM Document
Commission of the European Communities
1981-12-05View/ Open
Subject headings
Enlargement Extrenal ; Social Protection ; Health and SafetyAbstract
The Charter, as a European act, merely states and notes the rights which were the subJect of deliberations in the European Counci I in Strasbourg in December 1989. In itself, it has no effect on the existing legal situation. This is why the draft Charter, as presented by the Commission on 27 September 1989(1), referred to an action programme with a set of related instruments and called for a mandate from the European Counci I relating to the most urgent aspects of implementation of the principles set out in the Charter which could be covered by the provisions of the EEC Treaty in the social field.
Number of pages
Chapters and annexes are bookmarked. Document also published as Social Europe, 1/92.COM (91) 511 final
EU Series and Periodicals: SOCIAL:Social Europe