dc.description.abstract | Republic of Macedonia as part of the pre-accession fiscal surveillance procedure prepared the fourth 2010-2012 Pre-Accession Economic Programme. It is a document adopted by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, being prepared under coordination of the Ministry of Finance, in cooperation with the relevant line ministries and institutions and the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia. Programme is in line with many strategic documents, such as National Development Plan, National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis, Fiscal Strategy, Public Debt Management Strategy and other. It focuses on the economic policy characteristics, presenting the projections for the coming three-year period and explaining the key structural reforms that should be undertaken on the way towards EU accession of the Republic of Macedonia. Main objectives of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia are the following: increase of both attractiveness of the country for foreign and domestic investors and the level of investments, improvement of the education quality, creation of advanced information society, development of new and improvement of the existing physical infrastructure, improvement of the quality of public institutions for implementing the reforms and prudent government public debt management on medium term. Thereby, maintenance of macroeconomic stability and creation of predictable macroeconomic climate, dynamic implementation of structural reforms and full meeting of Copenhagen criteria in the accession process of the Republic of Macedonia to the EU continue to be the Government’s key priorities. |