dc.description.abstract | Basis for preparation of Pre-Accession Economic Programme By acquiring the status of a candidate country in November 2005, the Republic of Macedonia undertook the obligation to submit to the European Commission, annually, a medium-term economic programme. The 2008-2010 Pre-Accession Economic Programme (PEP) is the second document prepared by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, covering the macroeconomic trends and projections in the country, precisely presenting the public finances and the policies for their improvement, as well as the structural reforms necessary for attaining dynamic economic growth. Basis for the preparation of this document is the 2007-2009 PEP, with a special attention to the comments submitted by the European Commission, as well as to the activities defined in the 2007 Accession Partnership. In addition, strong attention is paid to the fiscal sphere in terms of better presentation of data and trends, as well as improvement of the process of fiscal planning necessary for more purposeful and efficient utilisation of public finances. 2008-2010 PEP also contains Action Plan for implementation of ESA 95 Accounting Standards. In order to ensure continuity It has been analysed that policies, measures and activities, proposed in PEP 2006, were realised |