Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.contributor.authorEuropean Commission
dc.descriptionSections are bookmarked. Related document: COM (2005) 561 final.
dc.descriptionSEC (2005) 1423 final
dc.description.abstractIn June 2000 in Feira, the European Council confirmed that: “its objective remains the fullest possible integration of the countries of the [Western Balkans] region into the political and economic mainstream of Europe through the Stabilisation and Association process, political dialogue, liberalisation of trade and cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs. All the countries concerned are potential candidates for EU membership”. Ahead of the EU-Western Balkan Thessaloniki Summit in June 2003, the General Affairs and External Relations Council adopted “The Thessaloniki agenda for the Western Balkans: moving towards European integration”. The Thessaloniki agenda strengthened the Stabilisation and Association process by introducing new instruments to support reform in these countries and their European integration efforts, including European Partnerships. This agenda was endorsed by the European Council and by the countries of the Western Balkans in June 2003.This agenda also applies to Kosovo as governed under the auspices of UN Security Council Resolution 1244.
dc.publisherEU Commission
dc.subjectPolitical situation
dc.subjectRelations EU
dc.subjectEnlargement Extrenal
dc.subjectEconomic Reform
dc.titleKosovo 2005 progress report.
dc.typeSEC Document

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

Βιβλιοθήκη Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιά
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