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dc.contributor.authorCommision of the European Communities
dc.descriptionSections are bookmarked. Related document: COM (2005) 64 final.
dc.descriptionSEC (2005) 273 final
dc.description.abstractAs noted in the Commission’s latest Regular Report (November 2003), Bulgaria continued to make progress in meeting the accession criteria in 2003. Political developmentsBulgaria continued to fulfil the political criteria. Progress was made with the adoption of a programme and an action plan for the implementation of the Strategy for Modernisation of the State Administration, which aims at consolidating the legal framework in this area. Sustained efforts will be necessary to further implement the public administration reform and to fulfil Bulgaria’s aim to have a qualified and efficient civil service in place in the medium term, to ensure the effective application and enforcement of the acquis when Bulgaria joins the Union. The overall reform process for the judiciary continued in line with the 2002 Action Plan. In particular, the amendments to the Constitution regarding the status of magistrates represent an important step forward. Other legislative measures aim at reducing the duration of court proceedings and strengthening judicial control of executive decisions. However, further efforts are necessary to re-organise the investigation service as part of the executive, in line with best practice in Member States. Bulgaria also needs to ensure that the judicial budget is adequate for the smooth functioning of the judicial system.
dc.publisherEuropean Commission
dc.subjectExternal Enlargement
dc.subjectEU Relations
dc.subjectEconomic criteria
dc.subjectExternal Relations
dc.titleAnnex to the 2003 report on Phare and the pre-accession instruments for Cyprus, Malta and Turkey. Country sections and additional information. Commission staff working document.
dc.typesec document

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